Jesus' Eternal Dream! :)
Our Now 25 year Adventure, and, More Importantly, Jesus' Eternal Dream! :)

“I hope to experience music, study it, try to find some area that can be unlocked... These can’t be the only notes in the world, there’s got to be other notes some place, in some dimension, between the cracks on the piano keys.”—MG...
For you young ones who just don’t know, and you older ones who have forgotten...... THIS “natural realm” quote is exactly what got us all started on this risky, costly Spiritual Adventure of not playing any longer the “religious reindeer games” that were imposed upon us by the “state run” and “world run” religions of today, and their culture. We were trying to find the notes, the Music that JESUS is playing, and listening to—rather than sitting in a pew (or moving to a couch, and just repeating the errors), or enduring ceremonies and talking head ivory tower speeches and over-cooked thespian performances that were birthed in the impotent cultural religion of our day.
We KNEW that walking with the REAL Jesus meant there would be REALITY in our interactions with Jesus and one another, daily, as it was when He was here in the physical body the first time. We knew there must be practical help towards one another in daily life if we were to be a “priesthood” as Father ordains, not just an amateur hour at a weekly meeting. We KNEW a LIVING Jesus was NOT about a “once a week funeral ceremony,” choreographed by a hired holy man—but was a LIVING experience of “joined and knit together” with Him and one another (1Cor.12-14, Acts 2:42-47, Luke 9:57-62, etc etc). We were all willing to lose everything to EXPERIENCE THE MUSIC that we have read others experienced with Jesus in the Bible, instead of merely acknowledging it once a week.
This quote, though only regarding the “shadow” in the present realm, is a reminder of WHY we have risked so much, and lost so much, and have GAINED SO MUCH, searching for His Song.... “I hope to experience music, study it, try to find some area that can be unlocked... These can’t be the only notes in the world, there’s got to be other notes some place, in some dimension, between the cracks on the piano keys.” .......
We are continuing, Together, to go deeper into the cracks between the piano keys, letting Him cut away our own flesh, and the religious and cultural “brain-dirtying,” to find yet more of the “full new Life” He is bringing and building, “unto the Full Day”!!