Gather for and with our Jesus,
Tell Him that you love Him.
Sing to Him with all your heart
That you’ll have no one above Him.
Bare your heart — it’s the only way
To come near to Him and others.
Renounce your fears, your pride, the world
To share true Life with Brothers.
Meet the needs that run oh, so deep.
Declare His Truths, you Priests of God!
Gather mightily in His Name:
Hear His Voice, Eat His Bread, Learn His Rod.
Do not fret, His Little Ones,
When times seem hard and His Work, no end.
He knows we’re His Toddlers, just giving our all
And with His gladness undaunted He’ll continue to Send.
From every Nation, tongue, and tribe
God’s Family will stand as One:
Loving and Living, Reproving and Giving
Until the Battle’s won.
Gather with Jesus;
Sing loud and hug soft.
Celebrate with your Family —
Join with them oft.