
Growing in Maturity
To grow in maturity, there are questions you can ask yourself and situations you can project yourself into to learn from Jesus in advance and to prepare to overcome temptations when they arise....More
It's a Very Special Time to be Living in this World!
Sharing in His suffering is an honor and there will be a people sometime that will have the courage to do that....More
Overcoming Inertia: An Illustration
Will you cling to your thoughts and perceptions even if they are WRONG? Those discoveries are the opportunities for Change! Embrace learning, discoveries and challenges to your comfort and ego. Jesus wants to take you way beyond! ...More
Moving a "Saturday Sabbath" to a "Sunday Sabbath"?
JESUS is the fulfillment of ALL of the 'shadows' and anything less is not Biblical Christianity....More
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In the Together-Life of those who seek first His Kingdom, love-notes between saints are a daily thing. Above are just a few of some spontaneous and practical seeds of hope and life that were passed along in the form of Jesus-centered Text Messages. Sneak a peek and share the joy.
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