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Today’s Story for the Young
Caleb: The Man Who Chose the Biggest Battle >
What if you had a chance to live your life over? Are you living now with the self-control and seed sowing passion and love—that you would have had the strength to have avoided the mistakes you made back then—given the chance to do it all over again?
I don’t want us to simply just “know better” now, but rather to BE Better.
A response... Maybe asked slightly differently... am I currently putting myself on a trajectory to BE the Usefulness, Insight, and Depth Jesus died to make possible? Or am I tolerating a trajectory that will leave me in basically the same “place”?
Can you take an honest assessment. In the picture below see all of the children around us who are full of Potential and looking up to you because you are “taller”... Would you be happy for them to BE who you ARE or is there something more “3D” and Substantial you’d rather see for them?