
There is no more important trust God has given us than the children we've been blessed with in our lives every day, whether they're physically "related" to us or not! The bible tells us that Jesus took the time to really love and care about little children, even when others thought they were just a distraction to the big, important work He had to do (Matthew 19: 13-15, Mark 10: 13-15, Luke 18:15-17)! And He said that causing one of these little ones to sin was itself a terrible sin that God would not leave unpunished (Matthew 18: 5-7, Mark 9: 41-43, Luke 17: 1-3). So how can we nurture and build up our children into faith-filled men and women of God? The links below will help illuminate the wonderful journey God has planned for us together. You may even find that it is God's heart and purpose for us to learn as much from them as they will ever learn from us, and that the bonds of love and relationship we will build together actually help to set the stage for His glorious return (Malachi 4: 5-6)!
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