Children: In Life, In Meetings, In Our Hearts
This is a collection of a decade or two of letters, questions, thoughts, and transcripts...from various times and places, cities and countries, for the purpose of lighting the path for those of you who are training the Next Generation to be Poet-Warriors for Jesus!
- In Life
- Raw Potential
- Your Life Not Your Words
- Who is Your "Family"?
- Loving Those Little Lambs
- Raising Children for the King Part 1
- No "Bottled" Answers
- Successful Child Rearing
- Father's Hand on Top of Ours
- Learning to Trust Our Father: Overcoming Our Self-Will
- God's Throne Has Wheels
- Just Like You
- A Very Practical Living Room Conversation
- A Hundred Mothers and Fathers...Yet, Order IN The House
- Respect is the Issue
- Raising Children for the King Part 2
- Our Children, and Extending God's Love Outside the FAMILY
- And Again, Who Is Your FAMILY? Holidays, "Families," Morphine, LSD...
- Where Do My Young Children Stand Before Jesus?
- HOW Do I Lead My Children to Brother and King JESUS, and to His Kingdom?
- Raising Children for the King Part 3
- Exhortation and Motivation to Raise Your Children Properly!
- The Hearts of the Fathers
- Roadmaps Toward a Pure Heart
- Just Like a Father
- Raising Children for the King Part 4
- Jesus, Master Teacher... How Did He Do It?
- Forget Un-church, Un-education... ONLY JESUS!
- Stand Amazed
- Apply His Truths to Everything
- Leadership: an Essential Element
- Programs vs. a Priesthood...
- A Capacity to Learn
- Learn and SHARE
- To College or Not To College... That is the question
- Transition from Young Person to Adult
- Young Persons' Interrelationships
- "Pen Pals"??
- Concerning Vanity
- A Peek into a Letter
- Goals of a Young Woman
- A Vision: The Children... The Church
- Youth is for Living in the Body of Christ
- Questions From a Non-institutional Setting
- More Regarding Children in "Meetings"
- TASTE the Powers of the Coming Age... and pass it on
- Life vs Illusion
- I Choose Life (response to "Life vs Illusion")
- Thoughts to Gain a Clearer Focus
- "Be Like a Become like Me..."
- The Hearts Will Turn—A Prophetic Promise
- Help Us, Father
- Just for FUN!