Is there a love that always lasts and stands strong, that can't die, or be destroyed? True Love is a deep loyalty and unbroken devotion that goes far deeper than feelings, and even when hurt itself gives out Hope to others. Come explore these many facets of love. Perhaps you'll see a glimpse of the great love God has for you and has wanted to enjoy with you since the beginning of time!"
- Andrew Murray Excerpt: Look of Love
- Lovin' Him Is Easy 'Cause He's Beautiful
- God Is LOVE
- Stability and Love
- Extravagant Waste
- Living Love
- Living LOVE
- Be That Person
- To Know and Love Him
- Jesus Faces the Storm
- Apple of His Eye
- Love Is the Key
- His Love
- Living Love
- Faith, Hope and Love…
- Love--Prophetic Abandonment!
- The Joy of Lovin' HIM!
- Excerpts on Love
- Stability and Love
- A Poem to Jesus
- Take a Deep Breath of the "Vapor" of Life, While You Can... Give While You Can!
- Love Is Something You Are
- Love Suffocates Sin
- Love God, and Details are Covered
- Relax, Just Love Jesus!
- Love Needs Fertile Soil
- Back to the Basics
- Love Or Self?
- A Legacy of Love
- Selling Your Mind
- Loving Him Conquers Death
- Build Love
- Learning to Love Him
- Daddy! They Love Me!
- Live For the Father, THROUGH THE SON
- Falling In Love
- Cultivating God's Emotions