What daddy doesn't love for his children to jump into his lap to talk with him about what is on their mind? It is the same with God. Jesus' relationship with the Father was perfect and He demonstrated how we can connect and dialogue with our Father. We have the opportunity to delve into the riches of His Character and Life, walking with Him in the "cool of the day", everyday, all day.
- Time Home Part II
- Time Home
- Ask Him Multiple Times a Day to Heal You
- Learning To Speak With Our Father!
- Prayer: CONNECT and Persist
- Presumptuous Persistent Prayer
- Learning to Speak to Father (Living Room Discussion)
- Discipline Unto Prayer
- On Prayer and Devotion
- Do I Have to Pray?
- Hard Work
- For Real
- But is it Prayer? Proseuche!
- Treasured Possessions :)
- Prayer: Touching the Sixth Dimension
- Speak, then Peek
- War Room
- Listen and Participate
- "Hell Cannot Have Them!"
- "Pray and Read Your Bible" is a Myth - and Not What Jesus Did