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Jesus has been SO GOOD to us. These books are the product of our lives together. Most of them were not "penned" and "authored" in the traditional sense of the word. None of these books are the result of someone sitting down and saying, "I want to write a book." They are the product of the simple Church Life that we have found TOGETHER, In Christ Jesus. They are free to you. Our gift to the Body of Christ.
- All
- Jesus in His Church
- Jesus in My Life
- Building Truths
- Basics
- Jesus: Real—Not Relic, Fact—Not Artifact, Head—Not Figurehead
- In a Church where Jesus is presumed currently active, involved, and Alive--rather than a historic relic to be appreciated and venerated and taught about--there is Liberty! Everyone with Yeshua living within and functioning as such, daily among the Believers, has a responsibility to offer their Gifts 'unto the edification of the Body.' ALL of Jesus is poured out upon His Body, in ALL of His Gifts.
- Meetings in His Kingdom
- Jesus Personally Leading His Church...In Home, City, and Multi-City Gatherings
- A book about expressing Life together, rather than rote, ritual, or man’s rule
- Triumphant Faith!!
- Romans: A Series of Teaching on Sin, Humility, Faith and Glory
- The very Power of the Living God, unleashed by an abandoned Trust, Faith in His Living Word and Promises! Triumphant Faith! The Key to Life and Love and every door in the Kingdom!
This is not a mere commentary on the Book of Romans, but an exploration of the heart and mind and consuming zeal of the Father for His Son, and the Bride "making Herself ready" for His Son to Retrieve.
How can you be swallowed up into the Very Purposes of God for you and this planet we call Earth with its inhabitants? What did Father have in mind with His Plan for "Jews and Gentiles" and their "shadows" and their "Reality found in Christ Jesus"?
Explore with us Together as an Overcomer living in abandoned Triumphant Faith!
- Back to the Basics
- As spoken extemporaneously from village to village
- Transcripts from some Special Times in Africa, spoken extemporaneously from village to village. Some of the Answers to the tragic mess of cultural christendom lie within these pages. No gimmicks, but a Cross. Together.
- Right Here, Right Now!
- Living the Anointed Life with Jesus and Each Other: Where We've Been Going and Where We're Going
- From the Garden until now, men and women have been hiding from God, and religion has been one of their favorite hiding places. But God is now calling men and women to lose themselves and find Him again! Through His Son and in His ekklesia, God is offering us Himself - not a religion of rituals and words in "special" places at "special" times, but an intimacy and friendship - right here and right now.
- 01 The Hammer
- Breaking Down Misconceptions
- Are you content with the state of the church? The gates of hell will prevail with faulty building principles and attendance-based, disconnected living. But, it DOESN'T have to be that way!
- 02 The Plow
- Planting Hope & Vision
- The world WILL see Jesus again on this earth--IN HIS BRIDE! Expect it!
- 03 The Scales
- Holding to God's Standard
- To understand our world and our place in it, we must make sure that our definitions are defined by GOD rather than culture, convenience, or sympathy. What IS a Christian? A Church? A Leader?
- 04 The Crucible
- Refining and Melding Relationships
- Jesus will have a REAL Bride, a "city on a hill that can't be hidden!" And this will be built out of, and defined by, Deep Daily Relationships--with Him, and with one another. This is PRACTICAL stuff!
- 05 The Sickle
- Clearing the Land and Harvesting Change
- Do you want to live a Rich, Full, Overflowing, Abundant Life? Is the Life and the Light of Jesus shining through you to the extent that it convicts people who are walking in darkness and warms the hearts of those who are walking in the light? Unlimited Potential and Opportunity await you! For HIS sake, let's grab hold of our destiny!
- 06 The Trowel
- It Matters How We Build!
- What's the harm in the buildings and traditions? Why not just work from within? How we build and function in the Kingdom of God DOES matter.
- 07 The Sword
- Cutting Through the Fog
- When someone is born a second time, they are BIRTHED INTO HEAVENLY REALMS--into the KINGDOM OF LIGHT. This will bring opposition.
- 08 The Chisel
- 'I Will Build My Church...'
- There are no Short-Cuts on the road to Glory. But, there is practical Wisdom for those who are trying to Build on the Rock of putting into practice His Word.
- 09 The Anvil
- Forging Out a Life
- What does it mean to be Led by the Spirit? And what does the Church have to do with it?
- 10 The Plumb Line
- True Foundations
- Ever wonder why 98% of the Christian assemblies, whether non-denominational, denominational, or 'house churches'... are often wracked with confusion, disharmony, shallowness, heart-breaking leaven, and domineering men (or women) who have no clue--not to mention a revolving door after the 'honeymoon' period is over? What does it look like when we let JESUS build HIS church, instead of building one 'for' Him?
- A Light Has Dawned
- The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.
- This story, set in the day and culture of AD 30, is the story of Messiah, as still today--a person, not a 'doctrine.' Jesus' Call and Life radically touched and impacted each member of the family of Simon, a fisherman who came to be known as Peter.
- A Revelation of Christ
- There's no relationship with God and man that's true and real and sustainable if it isn't built upon a Revelation of Jesus. We must be "born, not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God." Anything less then this, and the gates of Hell will continue to prevail in churches, families, and relationships. A person who is walking in a Revelation, a Consciousness of God, a fullness before God - that person will discern, and "know," and Stand against the evil one, love others deeply from the heart, and lay down their lives for the Lamb. No one else will have what it takes: His Life and Presence.
- A Revolution Without Dancing...
- Is a Revolution Not Worth Having!
- The honest observer is watching the world fall apart at the seams... World economies in a Gordian twist... Political wars between nations and individuals walking the gang plank of their own prejudices and deceptions... Meanwhile, the religious world finds itself in lifeless torpor - watching helplessly as they destroy their own families and children with substance-less emotion or ritual. The Holy Passion of God's Heart is that we share with one another the Koinonia that is between the Father and the Son. And That can only happen on the same terms with which They share Intertwined Life. Blood on the doorpost, and dealing with leaven in the House, are inseparably bound in the same Scripture. It is HIS Passion that we be One, AS Jesus and the Father are One - that the world may know we are His!
- Children: In Life, In Meetings, In Our Hearts
- This is a collection of a decade or two of letters, questions, thoughts, and transcripts...from various times and places, cities and countries, for the purpose of lighting the path for those of you who are training the Next Generation to be Poet-Warriors for Jesus!
- Come and See
- Jesus is the answer for every question and the healing for every wound! So if you are just 6, 8, or 12, even now begin spending your heart’s energy to think and care about what is important to Him. It’s as we look at Jesus that we fall in love with Him.
- "Community"?? "House Church"?? OR, is there still HIGHER GROUND?
- Life in Christ Together is not about 'how to have meetings.' It's about ZOE LIFE!!!
- Do I Have to Go to Church?
- If you ask the average pagan or unbeliever to tell you everything they know about church, they could usually sum it up in one or two words: "Hypocrites" or "Boring." And yet, when it's the real thing, bone of His bone, life of His Life, then loving His Church is the overflow of loving God. As with Jesus Himself, when the reality of Jesus' Life is expressed in His church daily, "zeal for God's House will consume you." But, not the boring, hypocritical attendance thing. That's different, of course. Jesus wasn't and isn't like that.
- Entrances and Exits Part 2
- How To Be Joined to Jesus' Church
- The price of the Pearl will always be... everything. How badly do you really want it? It will require you to pour out your heart, soul, mind and strength. Are you willing to Learn to be emptied of pride, fear, worldly ambition, laziness, idolatry and lust of the flesh in order to be joined to Jesus' Church? In a true expression of Jesus' daily Life, there will often be quite a "culture shock" for those who have previously been brain-dirtied by cultural religion, rather than the Life of Jesus expressed daily in His People. How much does the Pearl cost, again?
- Glimpses of Jesus
- Only those who stare through the window - who see the brush strokes of the artist in the landscape; who hear the original conductor behind all beautiful melodies; who sense the intervening provision in ordinary circumstances - are fit to be called "worshipers." All other worship is merely pretense and religion. The one who "sees Him who is invisible" and reaches through the limits of space and time into heaven to see and find and know Him for themselves can fulfill his Destiny, while the one who "knows of" God in his "mind" and seeks to do right "things" for Him never will.
- Healthy, Devoted Relationships
- The purpose of our relationships is to help each other know Jesus better. We ought to be in the 'pains of childbirth' for one another, willing to die a thousand deaths on behalf of others. Many people say, 'Sure, I know church is the people,' but they MISS what it's really about: being immersed in the lives of others, in relationship with others. Relationship is not the goal; God's glory is the goal!
- How to Be Strong in the Storm
- Storms in life shake and reveal the weak, dead, shallow-root parts in us. Storms train us to be more supple and bendable. If we won't forsake all, we won't make it!
- If I Die Before I Wake
- Do you have the character and the courage to examine your own heart and toss out the things that would keep you from really believing the truth about Heaven or Hell? About who Jesus is? About who God is? About the laws of God and walking with God? Do you have the character to FORGET the things you've always thought, and FIND OUT what HE says the truth is? What is Hell, in an era where pied-Piper humanistic religious humans want to disregard, obscure, or attempt to explain away the Teachings of Jesus Christ on the matter? Jesus was the only One who really KNOWS about Hell, and He spoke often and practically on the topic. Even more importantly, what then is the OPPOSITE of Hell - the Wedding Supper of the Lamb that you are invited to begin now to live within?
- Is It a Cult???
- Unbiblical expressions of "church" have turned multitudes of the innocent into spectators in the "wax museum" of a few men who lived 2000 years ago. In men's religions, whether Islam, Hinduism, Cultural-christianity, or the others, men and women are too often weak, unfruitful and slaves to sin. Many honest men, women, and children are victims of the cults of man-made religion, wearing the "christian" words and symbols on top of disguises to hedonism or philosophy or humanism. Many are unknowing victims of the enemy, while desiring honestly to find a Jesus obscured by human rituals and hierarchy and teachings. It's Time now to find HIM, and no longer be blackmailed or blinded by sentiment or cultural norms of religion.
- Jesus Christ In All His Fullness
- Accept No Substitute!
- Jesus is called in the Scriptures the "Logos" of the Father - the window into the full meaning and heart of God Himself, the very Life of Eternity expressed in the son of Man and son of God. Petty religion and shallow "intellectual" words are such a poor substitute for the very power, life, love, passion, purity, and truth of our God, expressed in the Messiah, Y'shua, Rabboni, King of all. Putting on Him, enveloped in Him, filled with HIM - that is our Destiny if we'll embrace it and die to Live. Follow the SignPosts to HIM, rather than looking at the signposts as if they are an end in themselves.
- Learning To Speak With Our Father!
- There are a lot of things in this universe that only God can See, Touch, Create, or make Flourish. Relationships are that way. Can you make a relationship? Not a chance. God brings peace. God brings joy. God brings communication. God brings warmth of heart. God brings clarity of vision and understanding. God is the only one that can make even simple things like that work. How then can we TOUCH the heart and mind of God and find Him and what only HE can Create and Nourish? How can we speak to Him?
- Levels of Maturity
- in regard to loving and obeying the Truth of God
- God's stated objective for "all who Believe" - every legitimately Saved person - is "the full measure of the stature of Christ" and "rivers of Alive water gushing from the inner man." Wow. Know ANYONE like that, or even close? And of course someone who can give a speech on a holy day or staged theatrical magic or music show has nothing whatsoever to do with the question. So, know anyone living in the STATURE of Christ, the Anointed One? If GOD said that's what HE wants for "all who truly Believe" then it must be entirely possible to move very far that direction. But HOW? Here are steps towards Him and His character in you with "ever-increasing Glory," simply put.
- Modesty
- Jesus' Invitation To His Bride - To Us!
- What is modesty and why does it matter to God? Has He always cared about this? Why? How does it apply in this generation? This is not about the "do's and don'ts" of a Christian's moral dress code. It is about the Journey of finding God's Heart. Legalism is death - just as ignoring God's Heart is fatal. Life is about HIM. What's the difference between the Journey into Father's heart and modesty of the Spirit, versus legalism? Let's find out.
- Resurrected Life to Bless the Nations
- If you really want to have the inside of God's heart and mind, His power, His compassion, His love, His sensitivity, His discernment, His wisdom, His thoughts--if that is your primary goal in life--then open up your arms and say, 'Bring me suffering.' Save me from this hour? NO. . . . His strength is perfected in weakness. Those who embrace suffering and are trained in it will yield abundant fruit.
- Setting Captives FREE!
- He can whisper a galaxy into existence, and yet He loves me! Only a fool would reject an offer of love from the Creator-God of the Universe. He "translates" us "from the kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of the Beloved Son" - and that is not just poetry. In the REAL thing there is boundless Power! While we are functioning energetically from the confidence and "rest" of knowing who we are - because of our Faith in Him and being "clothed in Christ" we are simultaneously emPowered to "walk as Jesus walked" in "the power of an indestructible Life" to "destroy the devil's works." We are not only washed, but emPowered to LIVE, as we obey and cooperate in His Spirit, learning His whispers, hating our flesh, and drawing on "weapons of righteousness in the right hand and left."
- Tasting the Powers of the Coming Age
- Ever wonder why things of earth seem SO dissatisfying and temporary? That is exactly the point! Things of "this present age" are truly meant only to be SignPosts, Shadows of all that is meant for us to explore "NOW" in the Father's heart and in the only Realm that matters - Heavenly Realms, "seated with Christ" NOW. Do you have the courage? Will you die to your flesh and pride and fear to embark on a Journey that is "inexpressible and full of Glory"? Few ever have. But you can.
- The Apostle Paul's Guide to Helping Carnal Christians Mature
- Healthy, Devoted Relationships Part 2
- How would you respond to a brother or sister who has been a Christian for maybe a couple of years - and still has a problem with vices and self-indulgence? What about brothers who are bickering with their brothers and sisters, and, believe it or not, taking them to court? Bear in mind that the secret of Paul's success was not in "what he did" as much as in "who he was." What will it take for YOU to be a suitable vessel for God to work through to bring about a miracle in someone else's life?
- The Church Alive!
- A glimpse of the Prophetic Clock of God can truly be jaw-dropping. Ever wonder why the Jews were called to celebrate quite a number of seemingly bizarre rituals and feasts? Nothing Father has done is ever by accident! A companion booklet to "Tasting the Powers of the Coming Age," this booklet is an eye-opening look at the third and Climactic celebration Ordained by our God - the Feast of Tabernacles, the Feast of Booths. The Prophetic Fulfillment beginning now to take place worldwide of this amazing Feast is just as real and powerful as the first two Feasts previously Fulfilled, Passover and Pentecost. Will you be a part of the Last Great Feast?
- The Church Prepared For the Return of Christ
- Life Together characterized by Jesus' own Words, as a "Bride PREPARED for the return of the Groom." "A glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and without blemish." An equal yoke for Jesus - compassionate yet filled with fury towards hypocrisy; sensitive, yet relentlessly pursuing the completion of Her Father's business.
- The Day of Small Beginnings
- This novel is about Christianity as you have probably never experienced it but have always known, deep in your heart, it should be. God is building something that is made of His Son Jesus, worthy of His Abiding Presence for all Eternity. While it may seem like the Church has a long, long, way to go in order to fulfill her calling...don't be disheartened. It will happen! 'Do not despise the day of small beginnings.' (Zechariah 4:10)
- The Father's House
- Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in the Father's house? What would it be like to live in a place where we can experience the richness of being a son or daughter of the King? A place where we can grow up from being a simple child and learn to take responsibility for others around us? Trusting Father to lead us, bounce us on His knee, and correct us when we need it. Here's a small glimpse through that window into the Father's house.
- The Foundations Series
- The Journey Deepens! A Treasure-Store of Truths for those who desire to experience true Together-Life in the Lamb of God.
- The Nature of the Miraculous
- We await in eager anticipation and admiration to see His Genius as He advances His Cause for us and through us. And, if history is any clue, God will assert Himself and affirm His Word and Purposes in a way unexplainable in terms of human logic and experience. SIGNS FOLLOWING, GREATER WORKS THAN THESE SHALL YOU DO! By the Power and Name of the Resurrected Jesus, Y'shua, we can not only stand for His Name and Words, but STAND in them. But are "miracles" something we seek after or play "magic" games with, or are they part of something far greater than our comfort or entertainment?
- The Traditions of Men In the Churches of Men
- It was never God's idea to have a Christianity that is primarily defined by pews, sermons on Sunday to a well-dressed audience, "Bring Your Neighbor Sundays," committees, professional religionists - "staff" employed by a church to be their leaders, or any such thing. And, WOW, what about all of the bad fruit from that - so unlike who Jesus is or what He desires. Not to mention that no church in the Bible, with the leadership of those who walked personally with Jesus looked ANYTHING like any of that silly stuff men have made up and called "church" and "christianity." If you were to remove all of these props, would there be anything left of your church? IS there an alternative that honors God, lives together the Life of Jesus, defeats the devil, and actually "looks like" what the Bible has always described as Christianity in Acts 2:36-47? Yes.
- The Virus of 1918, Today, and Beyond
- A third of the world's population was infected, often fatally, with a virus in 1917 and 1918. More people died of this pandemic than died in all of the battles of World War One, which had recently ended. But, there is a virus far more deadly, and you, too, are subject to its ravaging symptoms. Will you reach out for the Cure?
- True Hope for a New Millennium
- God's Heart's Desire for His People!
- Normal people who honestly want to live for Jesus rather than for themselves can see their deepest problems rooted out and their greatest potentials realized. Every honest person in christendom who is permitted to see behind the curtain of modern christianity and go backstage, can see it. We can see the problems. But will we be willing to go to the Highest Places for real solutions? Or will we, like the little Dutch boy, just put our finger in the dike like we have for so many generations? Let's go all the way Home for our Solution! It's in the Heart and Ways of the Messiah - the way HE lived and loved.
- What God Says About Water Baptism
- A Fresh Look...
- On the subject of baptism, let's view the subject from God's perspective, as one "seated with Christ in Heavenly Realms" with "the mind of Christ." Let's together honestly look at, and prayerfully consider these thoughts from the Scriptures without the eyeglasses of a predetermined viewpoint on baptism. If the Scriptures are true, and Jesus is to be believed - Baptism is neither an obsolete ritual, nor a sacrament, nor a hyper-spiritualized mystical event to be ignored rather than obeyed. "Good and honest hearts" want to know what God thinks about a topic, no matter where it leads or what it costs. Every Scripture on the topic of Baptism in the New Testament is in these pages as we explore God's Heart from a Heavenly vantage point, rather than simply through the mind of religious tradition or dogma. Enjoy the Journey!
- What to Do About "My Convictions"
- Healthy, Devoted Relationships Part 3
- How can we know the vital difference between my true convictions in my spirit, versus the preferences of my flesh, the tainting of my viewpoints from history, experience, or so-called education, and desires to please men? And, how then do we remedy amongst God's Family these matters, isolating the flesh from the Spirit, and the immature perspective from the mature? How do we proceed when at an impasse, without compromising and without separation or division of hearts that must be One in Him?
- Who Is Jesus Christ?
- The Facts About Jesus Christ
- Jesus knew how they ticked, inside and out. And He knew how we would tick. He knew that people like you and me could see Him without really perceiving who He was, hear Him without really listening to what He was saying, and hang around Him without really getting to know Him. So Jesus challenged every assumption, cut through every "Well, of course..." and asked the key question. Who do you say I am? In Western culture, all of us have been exposed to the figure of Jesus Christ countless times since infancy. But HE is obviously not the weak, anemic figurine and figure head man's religions and philosophers make Him out to be. Who do YOU say that He is? Or more importantly by far - who does GOD say that He is?
- Why Were You Born?
- Is it too "big" to think about, or are you just too content with life to bother about such things? Or maybe you think you have life all figured out. Or you're buried in a deep, deep pit and you think that it will never change. Have any of those things ever made you wonder, "Isn't there more to life than this? There's got to be more to life than this!" Have you ever really STOPPED and pondered and thought about your life, about God and where you're going from here?
- Women's Role in God's Family
- Beauty, Order, Protection, Fullness, Giftedness and Fruitfulness for Jesus
- A look at women's role in the Church according to Father's heart without the faulty view of seeing women as second class citizens that robs them of their inheritance and robs Jesus' Body of the gifts they can offer and without any 'women's rights' stuff. There is NO doubt that our Father has a Plan of distinct but equal roles of men and women, as surely as man was created from dust and woman from the man's rib. This book gives you a picture of God's Lady! Fully expressing the Spirit of the Living God, as a woman, amongst God's People. God's ways are Wonder-full.
- Your Presence, Oh God, or I Die!
- Do things with God - not for Him. Ask God to pour out something that can be seen and heard that is undeniably Him - not anything man can imitate. Don't get side-tracked with religion and lose your inheritance.