Ambassadors of Heaven
One of the enemy’s biggest lies, “You are just an ordinary person” is WRONG! If God has supernaturally transformed you into a “Seated with Christ in HEAVENLY realms” person—that is NOT ordinary. Don’t buy the lie. If you were a wealthy American grain farmer visiting Ethiopia, would you watch hungry face after hungry face—sad because you have nothing to offer them? No! And as children of HEAVEN, we have so much to offer—the contrast is much more extreme than in the farmer example. But what happens is that fears and believed lies make us unable to hear God’s Spirit as He leads and gives opportunities to feed and care. We are lulled to forget that we’re ambassadors of HEAVEN, enabled by, connected to, and empowered by God Himself. Will you believe the liar, or will you, instead, make what you’ve been given completely available for God’s Spirit to use? (No brainer, huh?)