Conservation of Spiritual Energy


Conservation of energy, conservation of mass (sketchy), conservation of momentum, conservation of angular momentum...

There are many laws in the physical universe, such as these, which provide order and justice in ways we can only imagine.

These physical realm laws are of course, only a shadow of “the reality that is in Christ.”

Conservation of spiritual energy is real. We will never see the justice, love, and life of God flowing like a river down the streets of our cities and the roads of our villages if we spend our energy—God’s energy, in pursuit and constant thoughts of entertainment, or ambitions, love of wealth, or comfort, or recognition, or reactive attitudes, or selfishness and pride.

There is only so much spiritual energy in the universe, and it can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be used appropriately or inappropriately to accomplish God’s purposes, rather than our own.

We were created in God’s image, and one of the repercussions of that is we get to decide how to spend God’s energy. That is either a scary proposition that requires some serious repentance, or it is an exciting possibility to crack open the sky, and bring down “on earth as it is in heaven” by our refusal to spend God’s energy on ourselves, or through ourselves, with flesh pursuits or flaunt or reactions.

Make sense?

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A frequent litmus test I give myself: What do I REALLY want right now more than anything? How my emotions are spent, time is spent, money is spent, thinking cycles are spent… will all show the true answer.

If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my *highest* joy.
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