He is Good. Don’t Doubt It.


“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!” Psalms 107 NLT

We consider admirable those very few remarkable humans who never give up on a task or goal. Particularly those who never give up on a good cause, regardless of personal cost are outliers and often vaunted. It is indeed a rare human position to take, regardless of outcome. Those who “succeed” are put on a pedestal. Those who do not succeed are never noticed enough to be forgotten. Still, such a rare human quality to “never give up trying.”

I say “so what?“ I call “arrogance“ on those.

For those who belong to JESUS, we, regardless of outcome or recognition, NEVER GIVE UP *TRUSTING*

...regardless of outcome.

THAT is very different indeed. Ponder that. Selah.

ALL things are in someOne else’s hands not ours. We are to be faithful and trusting and sacrificial and prayerful. And confident in the RIGHT thing - not “our” thing. These are things we can do. We can all do. These things should not be rare amongst those who wear His name and have His genes.

He is Good. Don’t doubt it.

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