Saved by Jesus' Blood and Infinitely Enabled!
YOU—who are saved by abandonment to His Blood—are also INFINITELY ENABLED!
Revelation 12:11
“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.
kai autoi enikhsan auton dia to aima tou arniou kai dia ton logon thv marturiav autwn, kai ouk hgaphsan thn yuxhn autwn axri qanatou.
Who are you? Who will you emerge as—in this lifetime? Since His life and love, His power and ways are limitless; there is for YOU then no limit, if you are His.
“God’s full thought is represented in the Overcomer [His follower, following in His steps, by HIS Spirit]—who comes to the throne to reign.” (TAS)
We are not invited to His Feast and to His Life…that we might dawdle, grovel, or merely “survive.” We are overcomers by trust and abandonment to Him (Biblical Faith). We can, if walking by choice in that Faith He makes available to us, be raised up in a supernatural Quality of Life in this present age, in truth and strength and wisdom “by that same Power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead”—and by the One who spoke to emptiness and created the stars and galaxies out of nothing. Shall we NEVER underestimate either His Intent or His capacity to fulfill that intent, even in the likes of you or me. God’s provision for you is to “reign in life” and “in this mortal body.” He did NOT come to live inside of those who have “put on Christ” so that He would be underestimated and proven insignificant and weak by those enslaved to this present age. Quite the contrary. His Plan is His Son. Nothing less. “Christ in you, the hope of GLORY.” Father desires it, Jesus modeled it, and the Spirit of God enables it! Amen! Anything less is not CHRIST-ianity.
“God’s provision is the power of an all-conquering life, a life conquering death, conquering hell, conquering the dragon, and rising to the very throne.” (TAS)
“This is not fiction. When you strip away all of the symbolism and typology, you come to the great central realities of God’s creating and redeeming purpose: that man should live by the power of an endless life, and that that life and power of that life should eventually bring him to a place of strength in God’s creation. In spite of this fact, though God has intended it, and in His Son by the Blood of the Lamb, He has provided that power of an indestructible life, there are multitudes still dead, multitudes who are not living in the power of that life, and amongst the Lord’s People those who are not yet rising to overcome in the virtue of that life. The appeal to our hearts is this, that God has intended this [for you] and nothing less, and everybody stands the same chance. There are no favorites, nothing that gives one an advantage over another.” (TAS)
How about you? Are you coming? : )
Can you be MORE qualified than the Blood of Jesus qualifies one for? No way. There IS nothing else. “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus.”
But consider this: Can you be LESS qualified than what the Blood of the Son of God qualifies one for? NO WAY.
The WHOLE THING is yours, in Him. It’s His desire, and it’s HIS PLAN!
Revelation 12:11
“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.
kai autoi enikhsan auton dia to aima tou arniou kai dia ton logon thv marturiav autwn, kai ouk hgaphsan thn yuxhn autwn axri qanatou.