Inscrutable :)


inscrutable \in-SKROO-tuh-buhl\, adjective: difficult to fathom or understand; difficult to be explained or accounted for satisfactorily; obscure; incomprehensible; impenetrable; ridiculous observation or conclusion.

In the book, “France On the Brink”, US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright recalls an intriguing episode with a French diplomat. The Frenchman was commenting upon some drearily banal situation regarding European organizations. He remarked, inscrutably, “It will work in practice, yes. But will it work in theory?”

HOWEVER, : ) the quote of the political Frenchman also seems to be the “self-life preservation” outcry of those who enjoy compromise, lukewarmness, or a religious paycheck of one kind or another. It is also the quote of a man or woman who desperately desires to justify escaping the cost of their own Cross.

“If you desire to be a Christian, you must take up your OWN cross, daily, renouncing your very self, and follow after Me.”

When the average Laodicean in our generation is presented with Christianity as JESUS began it and ordained it, the outcry begins! The French diplomat didn’t say it first. For generations, when presented with the Picture of Jesus’ Bride, His Church, and how He calls His Church to LIVE today also, a Laodicean will say in unison with the Frenchman, “It will work in practice, yes. But will it work in theory?” God said,

“All the Believers devoted themselves to the Teaching of the apostles, and they were all devoted to the intertwined Life with one another, and to breaking of bread, and to prayer..... ALL the Believers were one with one another in all issues and material objects of their lives. Selling those material objects when others had needs, all were continually provided for. Every day they continued to meet together in the open places of the city, and daily enjoyed meals in their homes, together, with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and given peace by society in general. And in this environment and Life, the Lord placed all who were truly Saved.”

Ah, but, the “voice” of skepticism and lukewarmness drones on in order to discount God’s Word above. Why? Perhaps to protect their self-life and love of the world? That “get behind me satan” voice when reading God’s Heart on the matter of “What is a Church” must find a hiding place. In an attempt to further confuse and discourage the weak, the helpless and the tradition-bound that “voice” perpetually whines and chants the French scoundrel’s refuge:

“Ca marchera en pratique, oui. Mais est-ce que ca marchera en théorie?”

“It will work in practice, yes. But will it work in theory?”

“All the Believers devoted themselves to the Teaching of the apostles, and they were all devoted to the intertwined Life with one another, and to breaking of bread, and to prayer..... ALL the Believers were one with one another in all issues and material objects of their lives. Selling those material objects when others had needs, all were continually provided for. Every day they continued to meet together in the open places of the city and daily enjoyed meals in their homes, together, with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and given peace by society in general. And in this environment and Life, the Lord placed all who were truly Saved.”

YES! And YES! It is the very Life of JESUS, embedded and filling those who are truly His. As that same Life and Spirit filled His FIRST earthly Body, it now fills His current earthly Body!! (1Cor.12). “It is the same NOW!”...For all who love Him, and His, with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, and have HIS Spirit living within them—Life IS—as it always was from before time and Creation, and always and forever shall be. That is the ONLY JESUS!

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