Synergy of Heaven's Life: Holding the Standard

It's Time for a People Part 3

Everyone wants the Experience of Jesus' Life, "on earth as it is in Heaven" that overcomes the gates of Hell. Who wouldn't?! However, what most people don't realize or embrace is that the cost of Life, according to Jesus, is Death to self. Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but no one wants to die to get there. For those who think they can ignore the Commands of Jesus, and like Cain, hate taking responsibility to care for and protect their brothers and sisters -- know this: YOU WILL NOT AND CAN NOT ever enjoy the Life of Jesus in His Body and Blessings and Righteousness on a sustained basis. Your "half life" for "a cool experience of church life" is about 3-4 years before you will be swallowed by disaster. You must hold Jesus' Standard as a compassionate non-negotiable, or the self-serving nature of what you are doing will eventually kill you and your children. Better to do it HIS Way and trust Him for the "results".


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