Obedience and Faith: Grab the Wind!
Hi, I just read this in a book called “The Saviour.”
“Those of you who have decided to follow Me are going to be sailing your vessel into the hostile winds of the world. You are going to have trouble. It is inevitable that we will have storms. All who give their lives to Christ will face the contrary winds that seek to shipwreck them. But there is a marvelous teaching here. Moses would never have known rejection and terrible hardship if he had disobeyed the voice of God when He spoke from the burning bush. Daniel would never have faced the lion’s den if he had bowed his knee to a pagan god. Paul would never have been jailed and stoned if he had spurned God’s voice on the Damascus Road. But neither would these great men have known the winds of the Holy Spirit filling their sails or felt their ‘ship’ propelled by God himself.”