



knew what His purpose was when He was here. He went to sleep knowing what was to be of His life, and what it was about, what and who it was for. And He was ok with that. He lived life with this bare purpose behind His decisions about everything He would do. It was always before His mind. He went to bed looking forward, towards the new day, with nothing other than His purpose in focus. He did not expect anything other than what His Father promised, and even that expectation was under deep submission. He knew what His life was about, and He lived it simply to that one purpose. Anything extra was an unexpected and wonderful gift; but on His mind, always before Him, was a PURPOSE....
Our objective in living, our very reason for drawing breath? For God to get His way on this planet. And, in turn, for Jesus Christ to have a Companion for Eternity—a Spotless, Beautiful Bride, His Church. Can you see it? The Father’s Heart, and ours, is a devotion to the Son, “That He might present to Himself the church in glorious splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such things, that she might be Holy and blameless!”
Amen. Pray and Love, Stand and Forgive.

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