Serve, Not Be Served
Home grown proverbs.
Sent By: r
As long as your life is about your own personal holiness or maturity or love or perfection or________, you will be miserable and alone. As soon as you make the peace and health of SPECIFIC OTHERS your reason for living, for JESUS’ sake, honor and glory, (understanding that if anyone notices or compliments you that your own heart will be in jeopardy), then you will begin to Live. To save lives without ever being ‘seen’ or ‘heard’ or ‘acknowledged’ is when we know we are serious about Christianity. Humility is our nobility; like Jesus, we’re here to serve, not to be served. “If the Way you are trying to live your life, in response to God’s Word, causes you to feel your desperate need, daily, for His Anointed Ones and His Manna, then you are on the Right Path! And if you don’t need anyone or anything outside yourself to do what you are doing with your life, then you are missing IT entirely.”