Supernatural Life... According to Your Faith


“...Be it done unto you according to your faith!” (Matt. 9:29). There is a deposit of the Christ-Life inside of every single believer. Jesus is longing to express Himself. Will you let Him? You can have a lot of things “right” that don’t matter much or change a thing—if there is not a deep faith. Conversely, you had better believe it: even with some obvious dumb things “wrong” the person with deep Faith, trusting, seeing, believing “against all hope” will always surpass the person who “tries hard” and “knows stuff” and “obeys real good.” “THIS is the victory that overcomes the world—FAITH” and “The Anointed One dwells in your heart through... FAITH.” Don’t think for a minute anything can ever be as potent miraculously as Faith expressing itself through love! You have been given a piece of HIS Nature. BELIEVE IT. LIVE IN IT! From Him, through Him, to Him! Let Him express His Kindness; His Wisdom; His Power; His Love; His self-sacrifice IN YOU. Christ IN YOU the hope of GLORY. DO YOU have that HOPE? The hope of GLORY? God Himself inside of you expressing Supernatural Life. Your next half hour CAN BE a yielded adventure of Supernatural Life on a road to Glory. BE IT DONE UNTO YOU ACCORDING TO YOUR FAITH! As was said of a donkey long ago, “...the Master has need of him.” (Matt. 21:2-3). That’s true of our earthen vessels as well. Let Him have your attitudes, your tongue, your time, your affections. Let yourself be melted!
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