Take the Holy Road
Since this has come up 10 times lately, perhaps saying it to everyone is appropriate, so you can help each other Realtime, every day, “all the more.”
Here goes:
IF what you are saying or thinking—is destructive or whiney or unforgiving or judgmental—YOU ARE QUOTING SATAN. Why would you do THAT???!!
“Thus saith Satan: ___.” WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! “Thus saith Satan: ___.” “Thus saith Satan: ___.” WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!
Instead, take the Time to notice the Spirit’s groan within, and then to ponder of what Jesus would say instead about your situation, or your “worth,” or about others—and REPLACE SATAN’S WORDS IN YOUR MOUTH OR MIND WITH JESUS’ WORDS!
What did JESUS do “on the pinnacle of the temple” when satan tried to twist His mind with garbage? What did He do in response?
IF you are truly Saved, washed in His Blood by total abandonment (Faith), then HIS Spirit lives within, then you CAN hear His Spirit’s Whisper, if you’ll take the Time and notice. You’ll Know that the nasty things grieve His heart and those negative thoughts are quoting His enemy, instead of Him. That can’t go ANYwhere good. It’s not where the Father and Son and Spirit Live. So, why GO there, to that destructive or whiney or unforgiving or judgmental place that quotes SATAN, rather than our Father?
Please take that Holy (“set apart”) Road? There’s a BEAUTIFUL Garden there, waiting for Us. : )
You will be “transfigured by the reNewing of your MIND.”