Drunk On Self-Awareness
Isn’t it odd that the MOST self-aware, self-centered people—are the LEAST self-aware of their incessant background thinking of themselves, and nonstop loose “radio” about themselves and what they think others think of them, or what they want, or how they feel, or comparisons? They can’t, or won’t stop the blabbering radio of self-pity or judgment or pursuit of things for themselves... because they are not self-aware enough to realize that it’s just a stupid radio of vomited thoughts and feelings that could be “turned off” and ignored. “But it’s true-ooo blah blah.”
In the Greek New Testament, there is a term “φιλαυτία” (philautia), which means “self-love” or “selfishness.” This word appears in 2 Timothy 3:2, where it describes people who will be “lovers of themselves” in the last days, a SELF-centered attitude, rather than Jesus-centered or love of others-centered.
Could we recommend that you who are drunk on being self-aware, become self-aware enough to realize that you are not a slave to the thoughts that flow through your brain? If Jesus wouldn’t think it or say it or believe it, then stop it. Your choice. Your future depends on it. John chapter 1: words Create. 7:43 a.m.