Faith is Borne of Relationship with Jesus


Faith is borne of RELATIONSHIP with JESUS and THE LIVING GOD, not a mish-mash of ideas, will power, concepts, teachings, behavior, singing, and the like.

Faith is borne of RELATIONSHIP with JESUS and THE LIVING GOD!

FAITH is a relational thing—Jesus isn’t asking us to believe in and trust concepts, or words, but a Person, Himself, The Word. And it changes everything when i draw near to a PERSON rather than concepts, ideas, or words. The Love of the Person who has made and keeps all His Promises shatters all my fears. He ALWAYS proves Himself TRUE, in ways beyond my grasp. Just as holiness is always about a relationship (“set apart FOR __”) not simply a lifestyle or action, so also is faith always about a relationship. My ability to grasp ideas and retain concepts and remember and execute ordinances is exceedingly limited and fluctuates daily, but the invitation for me to turn to, cling to, rely on and respond to a PERSON is open forever, and that changes everything. Now, it’s all about Him and not limited by me. My relationship with this reliable, dependable, responsive, protective, determined, committed, fully-capable Person is what sustains me, hourly, and it is in HIM that i so fully BELIEVE. The more i turn to Him, the more He proves Himself all of those things and more....

Faith is a RELATIONSHIP with The Man who performs miracles of healing and forgiveness and life in the hearts of all who BELIEVE in Him, and with all those who likewise are connected to Him. We sustain each other, in His presence. We believe in this One who is our strength and our portion and our righteousness and our peace forever.

Rest all your weight on this Person, Jesus, because He cares for you, and discover Him intimately as the end of all your longings and find FAITH alive in your heart because you have been touched by The Living God who daily bears your burdens and hears your cries and never forgets you............

Faith is borne of RELATIONSHIP.
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