One Characteristic of a Lampstand

A place where 'Christ circulates' :)


Monday Afternoon, January 12, 2004

In a messed up world that can only honestly be characterized as filled with Death, Depravity, and Durr…

One distinguishing mark of those in a Lampstand—is that they look for SOLUTIONS and ways to Help change all things that need changed into His Image. (Whereas, the unregenerate or selfish or the disconnected outside of a Lampstand…will merely judge and withdraw.)

Interestingly, the Loyal commitment to the Lamb and His Garden—is all that saves THEM, or any of us. As with Moses and Jesus, the House and the Builder of the House, those Loyal to Father “do not wish to Enter In, unless they can bring their Family with them!” It’s all about sacrificing whatever is necessary, personally, to “be a ransom for many”—in the Spirit of our brother, Jesus.

By withdrawing or judging, as one will when living outside of a Lampstand, they are ironically sentencing THEMSELVES, and others, to Death, Depravity, and Durr—satan’s habitat. Self-protection, fear, laziness, judgment, lack of love… these all play right into the enemy’s hand. That, of course, is not Jesus’ heart for His Lambs.

“I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH… and the gates of Hell shall not prevail.”

“I have need of you.”

“God’s Intent, is now, THROUGH THE CHURCH, to make known His many faceted Wisdom to the Principalities and Powers.”

“His Body is the Fullness of Him who fills everything in every way.” : )
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