Poem: Mountains and Skies Open Up to Our Gaze!
An Eye for an Eye?
This Book, in itself, has absolutely no value to anyone, except by God's Grace. No Kidding. Only God can Help us out of the jam we've gotten ourselves into. But we can, at least, cooperate with Him! Let's.
Mountains and Skies Open Up to Our Gaze
What if everyone took “an eye for an eye”?
The World would be blind, no mountains, no sky.
If everyone waited to be liked, noticed or served,
No love would exist, no kinship preserved.
Jesus has opened a Way called the Cross
Inviting you In, “counting all things but loss.”
He walked that Way, too--giving life without pause.
No “twelve legions of Angels” to entitle His Cause.
He loved the un-noticing, the unkind, and the rude
Now, Repentance to self for those He’ll Include.
He invites you to join this small happy band:
The selfless, the servants--not religion “on sand.”
Daily Life is His Call, with His Banner held high
Not clouding His Standard, always willing to die.
If “an eye for an eye” is not allowed in our hearts
And serving in love is the Life He imparts
Then Mountains and Skies open up to our gaze
We’ll share in His Family, His Beauty ablaze.
— Michael