What Kind of Visitation Have YOU Wanted Most? Why?


speech bubble representing person 1 talking Cornelius.

Which changed the dude’s life and family?

The Angelic visitation, or the Apostolic visitation?

speech bubble representing person 2 talking Absolutely the Apostolic visitation. One is like tongues and the other like the interpretation of tongues. Only the interpretation actually “builds up”.

speech bubble representing person 3 talking One was a messenger of God and the other was God in in IN His people—God visiting Cornelius through Peter.

speech bubble representing person 4 talkingSometimes we cry thinking we need an angel to visit us to "make everything clear," when really we just need to RESPOND in obedience to the Truth of Jesus we are already seeing and experiencing in others as gifted men and women try to build us up in Christ.

And what happens when we don’t respond to Apostolic visitation? Shriveling. (Referring to the last track on "Kingdom Authority's Blessing by Connectedness")

speech bubble representing person 1 talking Angels are Messengers. Angels primarily deliver words.

Apostles are Doers and Builders.

Apostles “wrestle” and persevere to Change lives and generations, by Building the tangibles of Eph.4:11-17 into lives, on the Foundation of Jesus Christ, in Lampstands (actual true Ekklesia’s where the Spirit dwells).

Messages are good, therefore Angelic Visitations, such as Cornelius was blessed with, are good.

Building lives “joined and knit together” in “unity of the faith” into “the full measure of the stature of Christ” is what the Apostolic Visitation “labors” to do. Guarding the Testimony, Growing the Lambs, Teaching the Ways of the Spirit — day by day by day.

Apostolic Visitations are good, too.

speech bubble representing person 5 talking Gift: Not Information, Commitment, or Luck



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