Why Keep Our Eyes on Yeshua?
Isa.6:1-8; Isa.9:1-7; 2Cor.3:16-18
Why keep our eyes on Yeshua, Yesu, Jesus—the Son of Righteousness, the King of Glory, the Prince of Peace, God with us?!
“Good days or bad, all to Him I surrender!” Why do that? Where does the strength come from to “make ‘em wonder why you’re smiling”? : )
Well surely, if we allow darkness and hatred, worldliness or selfish pride into our hearts and minds, nothing of Love and Value and Courage can co-occupy our hearts. In the darkness all “causes” turn bitter, and all “banners” lose their color. Darkness turns all banners gray.
But, the Glory of the Son of God comes with Healing in His wings! Brighter than the noon-day sun! Let’s “Fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and the Completer” and “Behold Him,” and by His Oath and Covenant we’ll find His transfiguring power, and life and love—by “the Lord, who is the Spirit.” Amen. : )