Busybody: Arrogant or Witchcraft?
What is the “method” generally of how one goes about being a “busy-body?” What are the roots—what are the sins that are underlying this behavior?
1. **1 Peter 4:15**—“Let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men’s matters.”
2. **2 Thessalonians 3:11-12**—“For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.”
3. **1 Timothy 5:13**—“Besides that, they learn to be idlers, going about from house to house, and not only idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying what they should not.”
Alongside—murderer and thief and evildoer.
In the two Greek compound words we find 1) PRIDE and arrogance to manipulate to “steal” inside scoop or opinion that does not involve you, to meddle in others’ business, to feel more important, and to feel like you’re a shepherd. 2) to carelessly engage in pushing around details out of True context like items in a grocery cart, from person to person. Boredom and sloppy-mouth indiscretion about things above your pay grade is likened to WITCHCRAFT because it is addictive and contagious, and likened to murder, theft, and darkness because of its seriousness.
SLOPPY PRIDE AND LACK OF MOUTH—SELF-CONTROL under the deceit of “just trying to help” and “aren’t I spiritual” and “I know stuff” and “well it’s my wife!”—is witchcraft, dark arts, and murder.
With Jesus Glasses on you will KNOW BETTER than to be sloppy about who you talk to, about what, who you get “advice” from, about even superficial matters, and will CARE more about Jesus’ honor and protection of others than about your own advancement.
And to not shut it down when others are gossiping or busy-bodies—is man-pleasing, fear, or participation in witchcraft because you like it.
This is NOT about “choosing to be personally vulnerable about one’s OWN inner life or sin or temptation, with some who can perhaps Help.” Vulnerability is good. Triviality is dangerous. Gossip—unAuthorized discussion OF others is dark, even addictive witchcraft, according to the Greek compound words chosen by the Spirit in the Bible.
This IS about those who pursue “getting information about others” or “talking about others” behind their back and justifying it as being more spiritual than them. Again, the Greek compound words indicate it is rooted in some form of pride or delusional superiority (the first Greek word), or boredom and witchcraft addiction (the second Greek word).
At times is there a place for talking to others for the sake of helping someone without them being a part of the conversation? Are the flags to watch out for things like: Is it looking for the highest way for them? Is it just about me and pride in how I feel about it? Am I getting something for myself out of yakking? Is it increasing my prayer and love for them and my humility? Or is it pushing me away from them? For instance, I passed on a conversation I had with someone to others who have been much more involved daily. I’m not even looking for feedback or more information as much as wanting to work Together with others and do my part in being transparent myself to be brought higher. I want to renew my heart and mind on this topic and team up with His Spirit against the flesh.
Be careful not to take the lazy way out or do anything that feeds your ego or makes someone else look bad so you can feel better. It should only be with people who can actually truly help, and only when truly necessary—since you already know most things you would need to do.
Yes, and I think where I’ve missed the mark with that is when I’ve confused someone being involved in a situation or having similar thoughts or relationship, with being able to help versus discerning who they are... almost as though I take things at face value too much? Rather than engaging all of my spiritual senses.
Great catch!!!!