Discern His Body: A Window Into Life and Blessing


Sunday Night, July 4, 1999

The first letter to the church in Corinth revealed some serious problems. They were taking each other to court. They were not caring for each other, but only thinking of themselves and their wants and needs. They had sin problems of various kinds. They had divisions among themselves. That same letter also revealed a major root of these problems. Many, many painful problems will flow at a rapid, destructive pace if this problem (mentioned by the apostle) remains undealt with! What is that ROOT that the other problems flowed from? You’ll find it in 1Corinthians 10 and 11. It is this: They were not discerning the Lord’s Body! They couldn’t SEE Jesus in these other people around them, or in the Church Jesus had planted there for them. They could only see themselves, and “men walking as trees.”

IF we’ll SEE Jesus in His Plan and in His Body, in a supernatural way…many other roots of evil will be flushed out of our lives and out of our Relationships and our Service of Him! (God even said in this passage that anyone would be wasting their time having meetings if they weren’t going to live as mashed potatoes, rather than a bowl of potatoes!) If we wish to add more decades of Life and Love to decades past, we must each call ourselves to See JESUS in what Jesus says He has done… and respond accordingly! We must treat others and See others the way God says they are! We must “Discern the Body” in order to See Him and have His Blessing in our lives and midst. Much sin and chaos and division and many curses (even sickness and death, according to Paul!) come from not forcing ourselves to SEE as God Sees. I think we’d all rather skip that part. Being “conscious of God” in all things, and “discerning the Body” in all ways He has decreed and endued is a wonderful opportunity to find “Life that is really LIFE!” Let’s “Discern the Body” as He’s called us to?

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