Train Your "Soldiers"!!

Wednesday Morning, February 28, 2001
We understand that our minds, our emotions and our bodies are to be SOLDIERS, under the Leadership of Jesus Christ, the Captain of the Lord’s Hosts. We have oversight of some of the Master’s soldiers. Our minds are soldiers, waiting for orders, and are to obey. Stray and wandering thoughts are AWOL, and this must not happen. We are serving a Glorious Commander, Full of Light and Love and Liberty—and He deserves our full attention and every thought “taken captive” for Him and by Him. Left on their own, the soldiers will “seize command” and our lives will reflect this dishonoring chaos. (Most choose this path, unfortunately. Some hyper-spiritualize it, while others simply ignore His ways. “But we think better things in your case!”) Offer the parts of your life as instruments, as soldiers for Jesus’ service alone. He is worthy!
Our emotions are soldiers waiting for orders; they must be trained. Emotions of “depression” or “loneliness” or “passionate ambition” or “wander lust” or any such thing must be taken captive! The soldiers of “emotions” are to be trained and brought into good working order and under rapid and crisp Command of the Spirit of Christ. They must not be permitted to take control. Our emotions are only soldiers, to be under the Direction of Jesus Christ, alone. They belong to Jesus! OFFER your thoughts, and your emotions to Jesus—as good soldiers, loyal and dedicated to their Master. No straying, no sloppiness or contempt for His authority and leadership!
In addition, we offer the parts of our bodies as instruments of Righteousness. Our hearing, our seeing, our eating, our habits, our time, and our bodies: ALL ARE SOLDIERS FOR JESUS’ SERVICE. Permit no insubordination amongst the soldiers (your thoughts, your emotions, your will, your body). Train them. “Buffet your body daily, and make it your slave.” Train your mind and your will and your emotions and your body by the fruit of the Spirit, self-control and “constant use” for Him (Heb. 5).
Present to Him a well-trained offering of your gratitude for what He has done for you. He has entrusted these soldiers to your under-leadership! All are His—from Him and through Him and to Him. Let’s bring them into submission, by His Spirit and for His Honor and Glory as a gift of love and devotion and loyalty!