Crushing the Silent Revelry
You may be choosing sensuality over Jesus if:
* You love to take a big sniff of your food when it comes out of the oven or to sniff your laundry when it comes out of the dryer.
* Your mind is always looking forward to your next meal, or thinking and planning what you will eat next.
* Someone invites you out to a restaurant and your heart jumps or “needle flickers” in anticipation of the food or the “atmosphere.”
* You like your food to look good, not just taste good. You take the time to arrange it in a pleasing fashion before you serve it or eat it. Not as a gift for someone else’s sake, but because it tickles your senses. And you love every tickle you can get.
* When there are several choices of things that look good (food or drink?) or “fun” (events or things to do), it’s hard for you to decide because you want to try every single one of them. You don’t want to “miss out” on stimuli, a flesh tickle. “I’ll take the smorgasbord” every time. Not because it is practical or simple (like Jesus is) but because I want to “try” and “taste” everything I possibly can.
* When you see a new vacuum or golf bag with the latest and greatest new color, you want it even though your current one works fine. You like how looking at the new color makes you feeeeeel.
* When you climb into a bed with nice fresh clean sheets, you soak up the feeling for as long as you can. You roll around in it and revel in it.
* When listening to music you like to close your eyes and let the sounds swirl around you and lift you to other places in your mind. You choose your music based on the mood that you want to feel in that moment, and you use the music to stimulate you and to feeeeeel.
* You love trips to new places. It hardly matters where because all you really want is for those senses to be stimulated. It doesn’t have to be the sand between your toes and the sound of the crashing of the waves against the shore because city lights and/or any new smells and sounds are just as enjoyable. If you can just keep the new Stimuli coming, you feel “happy.”
* You like new clothes, on yourself and others, but especially yourself. The new colors you see in the mirror or when you look down and around bring you those tingly feel-good feelings. Not to mention the new feelings of the textiles/textures on your skin bring a little tingle of joy as well. Silent revelry.
* Same with house decor. When the stuff has been around too long, you are ready to change it because you’re looking for something to arouse and stimulate you again. A new comforter, a new picture, a new rug, or even a new crockpot make you “happy.”
* You have to have your hair just the right way. It is not a non-issue. Instead, you want it to look or feel a certain way—“on your neck” or “off your neck” or “flowing in the wind” or yadda, yadda...
* You silently revel in the lotion as it hits your skin, the pool water as you jump in, the music as it thumps loudly, the roller coaster as it flips you around, the wind in your face with the window down, or the hair stylist’s combing of your hair, etc...
* You love talking about yourself (or just talking for that matter)... it massages whatever self-feelings you want to keep alive at the moment. (Hint: People who shut down their energy leaks, run their mouths less.)
* You love movies, especially ones with “spiritual” meanings...because then you can use that like your spiritual “trampoline.” You can feel “good” and “inspired” without ever really DYING on a cross and climbing His real ladder of Glory rung by painful rung. You’d rather watch a movie, listen to a song, or make a spiritual picture or slideshow as your “sowing good seeds” rather than TALK to the Lord of Glory who DIED for you.
* You use human emotions with words that pretend to be prayer or worship or faith — and yet your life is uncommitted and disobedient to the real God. (“If you love me you will OBEY me.“)
* You love the little tickles and feel-goods of the business world with its promotions, title changes, office moves, compliments and accomplishments, presentations, suits and ties or dresses, cleavage, and heels, and travel.
* You love the feeeeel of "fitness" and the pursuit and noticing your own or others' fitness, body shape, and caring about the clothing that gets you looked at. You revel in the discovery of another muscle that is a little bit tighter or stronger than it was yesterday.
* It feels good to you to create drama. Being drama king or drama queen, being strange to get noticed or to get pity, trying to energize yourself by grandiose or weird thoughts, or lifestyle or decisions. (Truly a dead end path.)
* And the list goes on and on and on... Many of the “little” things you do are for the little teeny happy tickle “comfort” feeling/high you get from it. You do it for you. Not for God, Not for others, but for YOU.
All of this is Sensuality, not Spirit…
Strange fuel strange fire, Christless.
I hope that makes you feel nauseated—because it should. I hope it makes us more aware to beware of this self-indulgent silent revelry that can happen in our senses (the sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and touches of this world). They will be the death of us if we don’t STOP IT.
Of course, there isn’t anything inherently “wrong” with our senses (God created us, of course). Most things in life can be done “practically” and can be enjoyed as they Birth true gratitude and worship. But the trouble is when we indulge and revel in these things of the flesh... sniffing the wind or rolling around in them like a dog in the yard... trying to soak up things that stimulate the senses for nothing more than ourselves and our pleasure. A sensual person is a pleasure seeker.
The sin happens when you are willing to “let go” of your connection with the Head, Jesus, in order to please yourself. Sensuality is that mouth-watering or longing to “taste” or “try,” and then that reveling reflection on it. Lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the boastful (talking about yourself) pride of life. Gross!
Can we all learn to SEE and SENSE such flesh motors and STOP IT?!
Will you crush all sin and sensuality? Not caring about what the “result” is, but crushing it just because it’s the right thing and because it’s for Jesus.
Will you crush sin because that is what crucified Jesus? Will you stop living for yourself?
What if instead, we live for God with every fiber of our being, as a worshipper... What if our senses are simply utilized in the process of practical survival as we Seek first the Kingdom?
This is not about what you DO. This is about who you ARE. If you try to just change what you DO, then you’ll just keep being that little ball bouncing around on that XY/Good vs Evil1 lifeless axis.
If you change who you ARE, then you will find Zoe Life to the full.
It seems to me that as I stay connected to the Head, “Seeking FIRST the Kingdom” and Loving God “with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength” and “loving others as myself,” some very “beautiful” and “enjoyable” things have fallen in my lap—things I view as wonderful generous gifts from God. But, it’s almost always a “surprise” because I was not pursuing the gifts or looking for something for myself at all.
And when that happens, it really is a “from Him, through Him, and back To Him” thing. And I certainly do not want to roll around silently reveling in such gifts like a mere dog/human/flesh animal... Why? Because when I am running full throttle for Him and His Purposes, when a surprise gift pops in my lap, I am already positioned to more clearly see through the thin veneer of this world and so my eyes are upward, FIXED on Him.
While I have experienced this, I also know I have gotten off course and sinned at times. I don’t want that any longer. May we all be ALL IN and Seers of Heaven! All of us, from the least to the greatest unto the Full Measure of the Great and Awesome Stature of Christ.
Yes, empty yourself, and that will allow His Spirit to fill you with His Zoe Life as you behold Him.
If you read Levels of Maturity you will see that we can and must learn to catch this garbage (any garbage) at the very earliest stages before any sin even happens.
We can be practical without giving into being sensual.
If we live in the Spirit, we will NOT satisfy our sin nature, run our motor, or search for the sensual in order to please and gratify ourselves.
We all choose. We will either run off the fuel of Satan, sensuality, or we will empty ourselves of that so that we can find the fuel of Jesus, His oil. And His oil is certainly not robotic or emotionless.
If you will obey and stop letting your motor run for different arrogant or present age garbage, life will be so much better. Not robotic or emotionless, but Wicked Up in HIS FLAME.
Yes. But you will only see it and experience it when you believe it. Not the other way around (“Let me see it... Let me see what I get in return first, and then I will believe it and choose Him.”) Uhhhh. Nope. He’s not that guy. You can't play games with Him. In faith, you must bow your neck as an undeserving servant, or you will never experience His Life.
As I consider energy leaks and the things of the flesh and the world that suck my energy from God... There are the obvious energy leaks of sin and unrighteousness. But some of the most dangerous energy leaks are the ones that can seem “good,” i.e. they are “moral” and externally blameless. If you knew someone was watching a G-rated movie every single night, you’d likely be concerned, but that is NOT what I’m referring to.
The most dangerous energy leaks are far more subtle than that. The leaks are almost entirely INTERNAL: affection, anticipation, pride, silent revelry, etc.
One arena (and there are many others) where these can be particularly at risk is the workplace and the work of one’s hands. All this dawned heavily on me as someone shared that there are just some work projects that they choose to avoid because they know they are too easily prone to energy leaks when involved in those types of projects. I respected that person’s awareness and caution and willingness to cut off the flesh’s inclinations (though there are Solutions for things we NEED to do).
For myself, as someone who works in a “creative” field, it is easy to assume that “creatives” would be more prone to this. But that simply isn’t true. This goes way deeper than that. Jesus said, “He who speaks FROM himself seeks his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him.” (John 7:18)
If in our “workplace,” whether as a manager or a creative or a number cruncher or a laborer or a “housewife,” if the SOURCE and DRIVE that propel us are from ourselves, and NOT “from Him and through Him and to Him,” then these Energy leaks will be the resultant fruit. This is how natural people can become workaholics because their work satisfies them in an unhealthy way. If your Source throughout the day is your own mind, your own creativity, your own personality, your own strength, and your own problem-solving skills, then no wonder the end of the work day requires a “switch” and “recalibration” to try to “Seek first the Kingdom.” Independence from the Vine spawns energy leaks, and energy leaks spawn more independence.
Does that mean we should not enjoy our jobs? I think the answer to this and so many other energy leak questions is the same. Paul says, "What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that *the time is short.* From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not; those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy, as if they were not; those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep; those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away.” (1 Corinthians 7:29-31) So we can safely add, “Those who have their dream jobs, as those whose actual dreams are for the King and the Kingdom of Heaven.” Be grateful for a job you like. But don’t give an ounce of heart energy away to the work of your mind and hands. Leave your “laughter—Isaac” on the altar and in Father’s trustworthy hands. Let your work be simply, “as unto the Lord.”
So what is the “Solution”? As Ambassadors of Christ are we called to be mediocre in our workplace skills? Are we to become like emotionless lifeless robots? How do we not give away our heart to things we enjoy and are good at? Does that mean we should never be an expert at anything? What if I’m a genius or have athletic prowess? ;) (ha!) Am I supposed to “bury my talents?” HOW am I to live? ;) (tongue in cheek)
There is a WAY. Jesus was never bored or robotic. But his “needle” never flickered in excitement over the things of this world or present age. Jesus was a SEER. He could SEE through the glass, so we can too.
It is possible to “be a genius” or to be “really good at something” or to even “have fun,” but we never let our motor run or our needles flicker because all that stuff is nothing but “on the surface”—it really is the “thin veneer” with which we see through to God.
And we are not talking about saying a little prayer as you gluttonously revel in your senses, your pride or flesh junk. No, No, No.
You can “genuflect” all you want, but tacking a little prayer on the end of your revelry will never make it holy.
However, Repentance from such self-life...and then wholehearted devotion to the King of Glory...and a TRUE LOVE of other people... makes all that stuff of earth nothing but the thin veneer.
So MAKE YOUR life ALL unto the Second Coming of Christ and helping others get His oil. Then there will be plenty of room for you to “be a genius” because all your “genius” and “accomplishments” are nothing but a “speck”—your needle doesn’t flicker over anything but HIM. You know that your flesh COUNTS FOR NOTHING. So whether or not He calls you to step up and be the genius that you are, or win a Nobel Prize, or ____, or not... that’s all fine with you EITHER WAY because the flesh counts for nothing. And you KNOW that... humble undeserving servant that you are.
After reading these thoughts on sensuality, I wanted to tell you some ways I can be sensual and how I have been dealing with it the past year, specifically the past week. I am also open to hearing anything else you SEE in me that is sensual.
* Liking to eat out, the food, the “atmosphere” (I have been dealing with this by considering instead the dynamics of who is going and how I can enhance their lives, instead of the food and activity.)
* Liking the feel and look of new clothes (Instead being modest and groomed and not CARING about the stupid clothes.)
* Liking walks, outings, projects, activities, being outside, picnics, parks, pool times cause it’s “fun” and I like being outside (Instead I have been going into EVERY situation thinking, “How can I seek FIRST the kingdom and love those around me?” Instead of enjoying for the sake of enjoying, which is utter worldliness.)
* Love talking about myself or just talking in general (Yuck. I have been asking Jesus for His help when I go into situations where I’m with lots of people, to be his Princess, not a blabber mouth. Even talking about a spiritual truth I’m excited about can drain energy if I’m not careful!)
* Walking into a big house or seeing a big house and playing the radio, “If I had a house like that....” (No. I will not live for this matrix world.)
* Having too many sensual opinions (I DON’T like that food. I DON’T like that color. I really DON’T like winter. Summer is so nice.)
* Lust for having babies or being around babies or toddlers without focusing on their hearts but rather just on their cuteness (Instead I choose to look at their hearts and help point them to their future Savior!)
I keep going back to the track on Absolute Surrender 1 called “Abraham Reasoned That God is Good”... He surrendered Isaac to God not because he had all these goo-goo feelings for God, but because he TRUSTED that God is Good. THAT will be my attitude as I lay down my stupid sensual things on the altar. I will trust that God will provide for and fulfill me as I let go in abandoned trust.
I will seek FIRST the kingdom and trust that all these things will be added as well because He loves to give good gifts.
“Finally the crown of righteousness is reserved for me. The Lord, the righteous Judge, will award it to me in that day—and not to me only, but also to all who have SET THEIR AFFECTION on His appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:8
Psalms 37:4 “Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart.”
Notice that isn’t a “bargain” we make so we can get what we want. The promise is tied to those who TRULY are DELIGHTED/Satisfied in the Lord! We cannot fake that!!!
I’ve read that verse recently and thought what it’s really saying is, “If ALL you really want is Me, then you can have Me!” Because the moment some other thing is “the desires of your heart” then you have shown your true colors.
And why stop at just sensualism if we want to Grow up into His Fullness...
You might be choosing your 3 lbs. of brain goo over Jesus if...
* Worry, perfectionism, overthinking, and optimization rule your days. The motor in your head doesn’t even allow for revelry because your motor stays in a high, analytical (not Spirit-intimate) gear.
* You think about optimizing portion sizes of food so you have complete control over nutrients and calories. (You forgo the Peace of God in so doing.)
* You think too much about tomorrow’s meals instead of taking it one day at a time. (If you feel tension, you are disconnected.)
* If someone invites you to a restaurant, you immediately think about finding something “appropriate” on the menu instead of FIRST thinking about fellowship with God’s children. (Get your priorities straight.)
* When several choices arise, you have horizontal opinions instead of seeing through the glass for what’s best for others.
* You try to micromanage the life things around you instead of walking the very narrow road in this fallen world, in the most vertical (Christ-Connected) way possible.
* You go too fast and make decisions without being vertical and slowing way down. (Top competitors understand that “slowing down time” is possible, and use this to their advantage.)
* You don’t stop to consider if God cares about a topic and thus don’t consider what emotions are fruitful. (He DOES care about what is attached to your emotions. Don’t stray.)
You might be choosing deceit over Jesus/Truth if...
* You wait until someone leaves the room to do something, eat something, watch something, or “look up” something.
* You say something “right,” but you know deep down that you don’t really mean it.
* You say you’ll do something, but you know you’re reserving the right to “change your mind” (and you most likely will.)
* You leave out pertinent information.
* You change up the story to create a different “picture.” This almost always is to your own benefit/glory/attention/self-protection.
* You say, “I’ll pray for you,” or “I’ll pray about it,” but you don’t.
* You often say, “I’m fine,” when you know deep down that you’re NOT.
* You have things you won’t do in front of others that you will do when no one is watching. (Play games, take a peek at something you shouldn’t, etc...)
* You have things you do in front of others that you don’t do when no one is watching. Such as... well anything you think might make you look more spiritual or loving.
You might be choosing hate over Love if...
* You choose the best for yourself, every chance you can.
* You claim to be someone who loves, but you never seem to get around to fully sacrificing yourself, some part of your day, for others.
* You’ll sacrifice for SOME people (“phamily” maybe?) but not for others, or at least not on the same level. Sacrificing for the “least of these” is not something that “comes up” in your world very often.
* You don’t like to be in the same room as certain brothers or sisters in Christ. It doesn’t really matter to you that they are bought by Jesus’ blood because you “just don’t like them.” You deceive yourself into thinking, “I love them with God’s love but I just don’t like their personality.” Hmmm. Are you sure? (You could say on one level that I “dislike” God’s enemies when they slander and lie. But how could I possibly “dislike” a blood-bought Saint with evidence of God’s Spirit and Life within? I can’t imagine that because I love that. And if someone is missing that, then I long for them to be set free or I long to help them so that Jesus receives a Reward from their life. But this whole like/dislike thing on some sort of personality level is just not on my radar when I am about my Father’s business, plus 1 either IN Jesus or closer to Jesus...)
* You want for yourself what others have... It is especially hate when you don’t want them to have it. This one can go deep. It can be anything from stuff of earth, to talents, to looks, to gifts and relationships.
You might be prideful if...
* You’re addicted to talking about yourself. (Hint: Try not doing it for a while and see what happens.)
* You make “quality economical” purchases online that seem like a success, and you boast in your prowess instead of boasting only in the Lord. (Pride.)
* You congratulate yourself on getting the bed sheets washed, laundry put away, dishes done, floor vacuumed, and lawn mowed. (Pride... Worldliness. Do it—but take yourself out of the equation. Oh, “unprofitable servant.”)
* You can sing and pray and dance at home, but decidedly won’t in front of others.
* You can “pray” when alone, but are afraid to pray in front of others.
* You think you are “insecure.” (Really. Think about it. Isn’t “self-aware” another word for “insecure”? Isn’t insecurity just a sign you are all tangled up in yourself? Stop it.)
* YOU are always the exception.
* You would never write YOUR sins in this list, unless you could do it anonymously. You always have a “good” reason to not be specific with your sin.
Can we please just STOP IT?! For HIM and IN HIM.
“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4:22-24 NIV
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2 NIV
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalms 51:10 NIV
“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” Romans 12:1 NIV
“Guard your heart with all vigilance, for from it are the sources (fountainheads) of life.” Proverbs 4:23 NET+
Anyone who’s been addicted to this present age like Cipher - even if their heart is good - is going to have problems “spinning” while they try to get off of their drugs of Egyptian sights and sounds motivating and energizing them.
That’s ok. No pain, no gain. And when “converted, we’ll strengthen our brothers.”
It’s disturbing to me to have to write this, but it seems that the discussion of “sensuality” has sniffed out the people who live sensually but never cared and did not have any conscience about it until that paper. There are a handful of people apparently who were not living on the XY axis because they just frankly didn’t care and did whatever they wanted to do. To their credit, the sensuality discussion has made them aware of their motives, soul and spirit, lust for the present age and pleasure and selfishness—when they did not care before reading that discussion. Now they care but have decided that good and evil, X and Y are their new way of measuring their lives. Is having some conscience about their own sensuality rather than totally willfully blind like “Cypher” from “the Matrix” movie with his “steak” a good thing? I suppose it’s an improvement to actually care. Paul said “we make it our goal to please him” rather than “a seared conscience” and Peter spoke of being “conscious of God.” OK, good. But instead of becoming a legalistic nervous wreck, how about looking at God? “Beholding him,” 2 Corinthians 3:18, and having on “Jesus glasses” with no “motor running” tolerated because we are in fellowship with the Holy Spirit? Some new pathetic legalism is ridiculous. Cut it out. Frantic second-guessing is not where Jesus lives and no one has ever suggested you or anyone else should live that way. If you didn’t care before and the discussion of sensuality awakened you to your own selfishness, pride, love of the world, disconnectedness from your own flesh accountability, good. But go to Jesus instead of ridiculous legalism. The Z axis, the Zoe axis is where Jesus lives and where the oil is. Go there instead of some dumb new religious thing you’re doing, or the dullness of ignoring your own flesh previously. OK? Don’t make me name names. :)
1In this conversation, the XY-axis versus the Z-axis is being used as an illustration of the difference between eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil vs eating of the Tree of Life. XY-axis living is a “flat” natural living of good vs evil. Z-axis is a supernatural Zoe life in Jesus. Back