Jesus Did Not Pursue Fun


speech bubble representing person 1 talking Jesus never once in his life pursued fun. He encountered it at times but he never once pursued it. How can it be any more clear than that?

speech bubble representing person 2 talking I can die that death every day and the opportunities won’t run out. And it’s like Jesus saying: “I’m AWESOME... remember? I did what they said wasn’t possible. You want to be awesome too (to be like me)? It’s simple. Walk in this one thing for a while. You can already imagine how I will change you if you just imitate this one character trait of mine. With men this is impossible, but I will show you how!”

speech bubble representing person 3 talking Yes, aggressive faith.

speech bubble representing person 4 talking


The Bible does not explicitly describe Jesus pursuing activities for the purpose of fun or amusement in the way we might think of today. His recorded actions primarily focus on His mission: teaching, healing, and fulfilling His purpose. However, there are instances where Jesus engaged in activities that brought joy, participated in social gatherings, and spent time in ways that could have included moments of enjoyment.

However, these activities weren’t pursued simply for “fun”; they were always within the context of His larger mission. So, while Jesus experienced joy and participated in social events, there is no clear indication that He actively pursued fun as a goal in and of itself. His focus was on His ministry and living out His purpose.
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