Truth Hunt or Witch Hunt?
From: e. roetker
Subject: Check out Your Sacred Calling: Truth Hunt or Witch Hunt? (Thoughts from Stacy McDonald)
That term “pathological antagonist.”…Sounds EXACTLY like some people who love to lie and attack and stalk. Some of the descriptions were perfect:
* “The pathological antagonist is never satisfied. His demands are insatiable. No amount of accommodation will ever suffice. Attempts at appeasement will not calm him down, but will encourage him to make more demands.…he is persistent and unstoppable.”
*“The pathological antagonist will lead a campaign of attack…not trying to give constructive criticism…
*“The attacking behaviour of a pathological antagonist is selfish in nature…this person is rarely interested in authentic spiritual goals. If one rationale no longer works to his advantage, he will devise another…his stated reasons for opposition are a ruse for his own hidden agenda…
*“The attacks…are for destruction rather than construction. The antagonists’ actions divide the church; they do not pull the people together.
Dr. Greenfield points out that “a pathological antagonist tends to attract certain followers.” Greenfield points out that “without them, the antagonist’s efforts would fizzle. He usually does not have the courage to go it alone. He needs followers to bolster his campaign…calculating in his enlistment of a small band of followers. Each had a personal axe to grind…”
“The damage that they want to inflict is intentional and deliberate. They are not out simply to disagree…they want to inflict pain and damage persons.…they are determined. They are headstrong and will stop at nothing. They may pause for a time, change strategies, even go underground to reconnoitre, but they will come back with a vengeance to continue the intimidation, networking and breaking all rules of decency to accomplish their destructive objectives…
“These persons are deceitful…masters of manipulation, camouflage, misrepresentation and accusing others of their own atrocious deeds…experts at twisting facts.
Begin forwarded message:
Subject: Truth Hunt or Witch Hunt?
Recently, I posted an interesting article by Richard Abanes, “Don’t Believe Everything You Read,” where he discussed the relatively new problem of bloggers “who, under the guise of discernment/apologetics (i.e., Online Discernment Ministries), have been attacking other Christians…“ I know from first hand experience this is a real issue, but shouldn’t Christians be warned of false teachers? Shouldn’t we defend the purity of the Gospel?
In his second article, Another Apologist Speaks Out, Mr. Abanes clarified the important point that false teachers and heresies should be accurately, boldly, and lovingly rebuked:
Let me be very clear: THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ACCURATELY, LOVINGLY, BIBLICALLY, AND TRUTHFULLY defending the faith and the Gospel by pointing out the errors of public teachers/preachers (or churches and organizations). We are not only to defend our own personal faith when asked (1 Peter 3:15), but when necessary, we are to preach the word of God, as well as “reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction” (2 Tim. 4:2).
To that, I give a hearty Amen! We are not only to defend our faith by boldly proclaiming the Truth, we are also to lovingly and honestly point out erroneous teachings and rebuke those who threaten to lead other Christians astray. It is our duty as Christians to warn the flock when a false teacher is in their midst. It is also our duty to lovingly rebuke a brother or sister walking in error.
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?” (Matthew 7:15-16, ESV)
I’ve warned my own readers HERE and elsewhere about dangerous teachings that are creeping into the church, so I’m certainly not advocating “peace at all costs.” False teachers and those who are fleecing the flock must be held accountable; they should be publicly rebuked so that others may be warned. But there’s a way to do it…and a way not to do it.
Abanes goes on to say:
But these ODMs are not speaking the truth, let alone speaking the truth in love (Eph. 4:15). They are not defending the faith. They are not engaging in actual apologetics. And they are not using biblical approaches to sound doctrinal critiquing. They are dividing the Body of Christ. They are falsely accusing the brethren…they are actually torch-bearing witch-hunters seeking targets of opportunity—i.e., public figures that they can conveniently mold and shape (via false accusations and misrepresentation) into some heretic/apostate using cult-like psychological manipulation tactics on those who read their cyberspace venom.
Tabloid Tactics
My husband and I have observed a rise in bloggers who appear to take pleasure in targeting other Believers by using tabloid tactics. They create “National Enquirer” type blogs because, after all, “enquiring minds want to know.” We’ve even been the target of some of these tactics ourselves.
As Tim Challies points out in Evil as Entertainment, these blogs attract our fleshly desire to be entertained by what is base, shocking, or “secret.” We want to believe the worst about others because it makes us feel better about ourselves. These blogs use as their “proof” unverified testimonies from anyone who is willing to speak against their target. They use ungracious speculation to imply the possibility of things that may or may not be true, imagining this exonerates them from spreading falsehoods. They act as self appointed judge, jury, and executioner.
Pathological Antagonists
[Note: Many of the descriptions below refer to antagonists in actual church bodies. However, with the advent of the Internet, we are seeing a whole new opportunity for the people he describes. In fact, the anonymity of the Internet breeds worse problems.]
Richard Abanes wrote a third article in his series called ODMs: A Cult is Born? where he discusses, among other things, the profile of the pathological antagonist. Abanes believes many ODMs fit this profile. He quotes a highly informative piece from Frontline Fellowship entitled, “Pathological Antagonists,” in which Dr. Greenfield, author of the Wounded Minister, defines the Pathological Antagonist. If you’ve ever had one in your church, or if you’ve ever visited one of their blogs, you’ll recognize what he’s talking about right away.
* “The arguments of a pathological antagonist are usually found in little or terribly misrepresented evidence…quibbling over petty details, offering strong proof of irrelevant points…exaggerating the position of one’s opponent…making an accusation that cannot be disproved and then claiming that this makes it true…outright lying or falsification. An antagonist, in his attempt to make the kill, will take certain facts and so twist them that they are blatantly false when presented. In time he convinces himself that his twisted facts are true.”
* “The pathological antagonist is never satisfied. His demands are insatiable. No amount of accommodation on the ministers part will ever suffice. Attempts at appeasement will not calm him down, but will encourage him to make more demands.…he is persistent and unstoppable.”
*“The pathological antagonist will lead a campaign of attack on the minister…not trying to give constructive criticism…
*“The attacking behaviour of a pathological antagonist is selfish in nature…this person is rarely interested in authentic spiritual goals. If one rationale no longer works to his advantage, he will devise another…his stated reasons for opposition are a ruse for his own hidden agenda…
*“The attacks…are for destruction rather than construction. The antagonists’ actions divide the church; they do not pull the people together.
Dr. Greenfield points out that “a pathological antagonist tends to attract certain followers.” Greenfield points out that “without them, the antagonist’s efforts would fizzle. He usually does not have the courage to go it alone. He needs followers to bolster his campaign against the minister…calculating in his enlistment of a small band of followers. Each had a personal axe to grind…”
He goes on to say:
“The damage that they want to inflict is intentional and deliberate. They are not out simply to disagree…they want to inflict pain and damage persons.…clergy killers are determined. They are headstrong and will stop at nothing. They may pause for a time, change strategies, even go underground to reconnoitre, but they will come back with a vengeance to continue the intimidation, networking and breaking all rules of decency to accomplish their destructive objectives…
“These persons are deceitful…masters of manipulation, camouflage, misrepresentation and accusing others of their own atrocious deeds…experts at twisting facts.
“Intimidation is a powerful weapon…therefore, ministers and their supporters are easily intimidated by these persuasive and charming religious assailants.
“Clergy killers wound or destroy either by direct attacks or by inciting others to inflict the wounds. Sometimes they induce victims to self-destruct, by harassing them to the point of frustration and anger.…Because these people live in denial as to their true nature, they would not see themselves in this chapter, even if they were to read it.
“Clergy killers have surrounded and insulated themselves with a whole array of defense mechanisms and justifications for their actions. They firmly believe that what they are doing in harming and terminating a minister is the right thing to do…” emphasis mine
Using half truths, spin, twisted facts, hearsay, speculation, and innuendo Pathological Antagonists attempts to not only attack the minister’s teaching, they go to great lengths to attack their character and integrity as well. I found these articles fascinating (and disturbing) since my husband and I have experienced online attacks that ominously fit many of these descriptions.
Due to a handful of “creative” bloggers who have grossly mischaracterized us and our ministry over the last two years, we have spent a great deal of time clarifying our beliefs and disputing misrepresentations of our teachings. Recently, the attacks became so serious (even highly personal in nature) that, to protect our ministry and our family, we spent a great deal of time in prayer and counsel, considering our options. During this time, we felt led to carefully document the truth and make it available to anyone who asks.
While it has been tempting to engage these bloggers over the years, we’ve determined that it is fruitless (Proverbs 26:4). If you’ve ever been to one of these blogs you’ll know what I mean. The amount of time that it takes to clarify and reclarify your owns words (after they have been twisted and used to misrepresent you once again) is overwhelming. If anyone posts a dissenting view a feeding frenzy begins. I found the following statement by Abanes particularly true:
“It is also noted that, while the targets of the antagonist are frequently too busy to do their homework and respond to the vast amount of accusations, the pathological antagonists always have an excessive amount of free time.”
Steve Camp posted a must-read article last Wednesday called Blogging, Watchblogging, and Ministry. In it, he points out how each of us, those of us who actively defend the faith on our blogs, could be called “watch blogs.” Pointing out error isn’t the issue; but, the spirit and method we use is significant, and can be sinful. Mr.Camp gives the following “self checks” to bloggers:
“So may we consider asking the following questions of ourselves before we debate someone’s proposed methods or answers…
1. How does my post glorify God and exalt Christ? Or am I seeking to only expand my daily readership by addressing controversial issues just for controversy’s sake? (1 Cor. 10:31)
2. How does it equip the body of Christ biblically to be better Bereans on any issue they face? (Acts 17:11)
3. How does it convict and challenge me in my own life before I turn its truths on another? IOW, what do I need to learn, model, obey and repent of first before calling others to do the same? (Psalm 119:10-17)
4. How does it bring truth and foster change to the one I am disagreeing with? (Eph. 4:13-16)
5. How does it edify and encourage—not just exhort? (Eph. 4:1-3; 26-32)
6. How does it communicate real biblical resolve? (Roms. 12:1-2)
7. How does it enable others to live more like Jesus as salt and light in their communities, ready to serve their church and world? (Matt. 5-7)
8. Am I filled with the Holy Spirit as I write and unfold God’s Word, or am I only giving knee-jerk reactions to what is the hot potato of the moment? (Eph. 5:17-21)
9. And lastly, in what I have just written and confronted caused me to focus more clearly on the person of our Lord Jesus Christ and something He would find pleasure, delight and honor in? (Heb. 12:1-3).”
I would add to Steve’s list, the following:
1. Use facts; not hearsay or speculation to prove your point. Quote from the teacher’s own words, in context. Don’t imply a different or “hidden” meaning to their words and don’t put your own words (or your own hang ups) in their mouth. Graciously give others the benefit of the doubt. (Proverbs 18:13)
2. If you “hear” a rumor about something that the teacher supposedly did or believes, verify it with the teacher before repeating it as fact. Unless you can prove his/her words with legitimate published material, treat it as suspect. Don’t spread gossip (Exodus 23:1).
4. Don’t treat others as if they are “guilty until proven innocent.” Treat them as you would want to be treated (Matthew 7:12).
5. The goal of rebuking a brother or sister who is in error should be restoration, not condemnation. Your goal should be to win your brother. This is why it is crucial to correct in love.
6. Remember that you are responsible to God for your words. It is likely that unbelievers are reading your words—the Internet is a big place. Is your post a good testimony to the holiness of God? Are you tearing others apart? Are you taking pleasure in the supposed sins of others? Are you arguing and debating over things that have little to do with what is eternal? Are you loving your neighbor as yourself? Read Janet’s excellent article, Loving the Brethren.
“Remind them of these things, charging them before the Lord not to strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers.” (2 Timothy 2:14, NKJV)
Slanderous words, arguments, gossip, and vain ramblings produce no fruit in the Kingdom of God. They just succeed in causing confusion, heaviness, and anger. Do you find yourself edified after reading such blogs; or do you feel like you need a shower?
“But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness. And their message will spread like cancer…” (2 Timothy 2:16-17, NKJV)
Remember what servants of Christ are called to:
“And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.” (2 Timothy 2:24-26, NKJV)
“Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all. See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:14-18, NKJV)
Are You a Target?
If you find yourself the target of ungodly attacks, online or in person, remember, God is watching. He has orchestrated these events for your good and His glory. You may not be able to keep others from sinning against you; but, by God’s grace, you can respond biblically to sinful behavior. You can show grace to those who are ungracious. Don’t add more sin to an already shameful situation. Glorify God in the face of trouble…or troublemakers.
“Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called…” (1 Peter 3:9, ESV)
Be sure to stay in the Word. Stay at the feet of Jesus. Ask Him if there be any truth to the accusations made against you. Perhaps God will use the wickedness of others to do a good work in you (Genesis 50:20). Ask the Lord to examine your heart (Psalm 139:23). God has shown me my own sin so many times this way. I remember RC Sproul Jr. once saying “Whatever my internet critics have accused me of, none of them are as bad as this—I crucified the Lord of Glory. And each Lord’s Day when I come to the table I publicly confess exactly that.”
Our highest concern should be our own sin against a holy and just God. Who am I? I am a wretched sinner who relies fully on the inestimable grace of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
“Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil.” (1 Peter 3:13-17, ESV)
Just a thought from Stacy McDonald at 8:01 AM