Worldliness Is.....


Worldliness is...

Love of the world = enemy of God.

Worldliness is
Human activity with God left out
It is always saying, “Onward,” (X-Y)
never “Upward” (Z)

Worldliness is
Absence of being driven by God’s motives
Absence of being driven by righteousness
Absence of being driven by bearing fruit that will last
Absence of abiding

Worldliness is
“Ohhh, that’s so good”
“That looks so good”
“That tastes so good”
“That smells so good”
“Looking forward to...”
“Oo la la”
“I can hardly wait til next time”

Worldliness is
Enjoying something for the sake of enjoying
And Wanting to “repeat” that enjoyment
I want, I want, I want...

Worldliness is
The spirit of the age: IF IT FEELS GOOD, DO IT. Instead of this, we make decisions about what we wear, buy, eat, talk about, fill our eyes and minds and time and hearts with based on God’s word and smile. Not little gods doing whatever feels right.

Worldliness is
About the motives of the heart
WHY we do what we do
Why we value what we value

Worldliness is
Watered down, diluted, polluted,
stuff-of-earth life
Not seeing through heaven’s eyes
Allowing a sensual molecular thing to steal something of my affection
Treading on demonic territory is
As deadly as renouncing Jesus

Worldliness is
Adultery. Period!

Stop the oo la la
Make yourself be repulsed by those things!

The way to Other Other Other

Jesus is more interested in our attitudes and priorities and personalities and our choices based on His Word and His Will... than He is in our “success” or “happiness” per se. How we do what we do, and why we do what we do are much more important than the perceived results or consequences. Doulos? Slaves? Yes! : )

Jesus never did anything Because He “enjoyed it”
He did what He saw the Father doing
Did He enjoy Himself at times—sure,
and heartily
But He never pursued “enjoyment”
Eyes always Focused on Father

SEE with heaven eyes
Let the important drive you
Make your home in me/my home in you
Equals fruit that will last
Fruit equals changing lives around you
It must be that

Be a Doulos
Be driven by God’s motives
Be driven by bearing fruit that will last
Abide, make your Home in Jesus
Keep a very tight rein on the “looking forward to”

I’m here for You, Jesus. Period.
Gratitude for all YOU give that we certainly do enjoy
But not gonna grab it
Or rearrange it
Or admire it
I admire and enjoy and run after YOU

Notes compiled from many conversations along with years of Help:
Worldliness: One Definition
A Hop Skip and a Jump from Laodicea
Save the Twinkle in Your Eye for Him

“You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.” James 4:4 NIVUK
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