The Foundations Series

The Journey Deepens! A Treasure-Store of Truths for those who desire to experience true Together-Life in the Lamb of God.


01 The Hammer
Breaking Down Misconceptions
Are you content with the state of the church? The gates of hell will prevail with faulty building principles and attendance-based, disconnected living. But, it DOESN'T have to be that way!
02 The Plow
Planting Hope & Vision
The world WILL see Jesus again on this earth--IN HIS BRIDE! Expect it!
03 The Scales
Holding to God's Standard
To understand our world and our place in it, we must make sure that our definitions are defined by GOD rather than culture, convenience, or sympathy. What IS a Christian? A Church? A Leader?
04 The Crucible
Refining and Melding Relationships
Jesus will have a REAL Bride, a "city on a hill that can't be hidden!" And this will be built out of, and defined by, Deep Daily Relationships--with Him, and with one another. This is PRACTICAL stuff!
05 The Sickle
Clearing the Land and Harvesting Change
Do you want to live a Rich, Full, Overflowing, Abundant Life? Is the Life and the Light of Jesus shining through you to the extent that it convicts people who are walking in darkness and warms the hearts of those who are walking in the light? Unlimited Potential and Opportunity await you! For HIS sake, let's grab hold of our destiny!
06 The Trowel
It Matters How We Build!
What's the harm in the buildings and traditions? Why not just work from within? How we build and function in the Kingdom of God DOES matter.
07 The Sword
Cutting Through the Fog
When someone is born a second time, they are BIRTHED INTO HEAVENLY REALMS--into the KINGDOM OF LIGHT. This will bring opposition.
08 The Chisel
'I Will Build My Church...'
There are no Short-Cuts on the road to Glory. But, there is practical Wisdom for those who are trying to Build on the Rock of putting into practice His Word.
09 The Anvil
Forging Out a Life
What does it mean to be Led by the Spirit? And what does the Church have to do with it?
10 The Plumb Line
True Foundations
Ever wonder why 98% of the Christian assemblies, whether non-denominational, denominational, or 'house churches'... are often wracked with confusion, disharmony, shallowness, heart-breaking leaven, and domineering men (or women) who have no clue--not to mention a revolving door after the 'honeymoon' period is over? What does it look like when we let JESUS build HIS church, instead of building one 'for' Him?
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