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The Prophet Joel SAW it
Orchestra Conductor Experiment
No More Cries
Life Amidst the Flowers
Wick Up Like a Candle Into the Full Measure of the Stature of Christ
What Do You Do With a Radio?
What if...
Mountains and Skies Open Up to Our Gaze!
Cultivating God's Emotions
Consuming Zeal For the Father's House
Give Away the Stuff
Don't Hedge Your Bet
Wisdom's Proof
Where Light and Shadow Blend
The Family Song
"The Spirit AND the Bride Say, 'COME, Lord Jesus!'"
Bound But Now Free Indeed!
To be a Christian: the Faith of Abraham
Great Are You, Jesus
Follow in His Steps
Make Your Eyes As GOD's Eyes
I like dem odds!
Happy New Minute
Revolution?! IN-DEED!
Just Walk Away Quietly (video)
His Bouquet
Dream Big
BAM! Satan, You Lose!
Jealous: Your God Is
Choosing to be Seated with Christ
Freedom Means
His Workmanship, His Symphony!!
Church Design By Jesus
Come Lord, Crack the Sky
High Price: A Gift From South America
Falling In Love
A Son is Given
Abandoned to His Dance
Who Is Jesus Christ?
John 3:4-5, 21-22
HOW Did Jesus Focus on the Family?
Friends and Family, In Love with Jesus, Around the World
The Gift of the Ferrari
Moved By You!
Pioneers: The Tip of the Plow
Jesus: He Is...
The Color Song
God Will Provide a Lamb
Because You Loved Me
You Take My Breath Away
Funny - but how it is in the religious world!
The Tune
Unborrowed Worship
His Heart Will Lead You Home
Some Young Ones Funnin' With a Song They Wrote
Are These the Days of Harvest?
Run Into the Battle
For Such a Time As This...
A Powerful Destiny
A Call to Stigmata and Skandalon
Fake Jesus Show
The Prophet Jonah's Song
Man of God - ARISE
We Are One
In the Son Is a Rainbow!! :)
Daily TRUE Church
What Do World Religions Say About Jesus?
His Spirit is Like the Wind
Indoctrination Process
Ama Credi E Vai : We Were Born to Shine
What Is YOUR Wall?!
Let Slip the Lambs of War and Cry HOLY!
Clips From Africa
For Our Little Lambs
Fill Your Cup Wisely
Jesus, Our King, Our Man
Use Your Candles Wisely
It's Your Destiny: Jettison the Obvious
Love is a Wild Thing
شجرة الحياة
Movies used for clips in our videos were from edited versions only, (which mainly remove immorality, immodesty and bad language).
The short clips of movie or music included in some of these videos are the copyright property of their original "artists" or "studios". While we do own many licenses to the creative and copyrighted excerpts included here, and it is common that folks worldwide put text or photographs to music or video, it's still probably worth mentioning that the excerpts used here are acceptable and legal based on a 1994 Supreme Court ruling regarding the definitions of the "fair use provisions" in section 107 of the Copyright Act. However, if someone knows of some more recent Supreme Court action that would negate the 1994 precedent, please let us know. Otherwise, where applicable, licenses to material have been purchased or approval granted. Intro songs such as "The Call" are from various sources, including Kendall Payne, available at CBD.
©2009 All Rights Reserved. All videos are available completely free of charge, for viewing or for downloading. They are a gift from some who are deeply and forever in love with Jesus. May we all be forever committed to loving and obeying Jesus every day, no matter what.
Place All At His Feet and be encouraged and filled with God's Life and Peace.